Friday, March 2, 2012


So the first of the TOP TEN has been announced and guess what! It's ME!!!
This is serious friends and fans. I have made it to the final round, made the final cut, been thrown into the fiery depths of the battlefield. It's time for TEAM ZEILER's last push to victory.

I am so excited and nervous. Over the past 5 months I have battled hard and endlessly with the hopes of being able to finally trade in my mark book for a SCUBA tank. For most of the time, the end has seemed so far away that it wasn't really real. Now, with only 14 days left, all the pressure, expectation and the fear of a possible disappointment have become too real! There is some fierce competition happening as all of us are starting to feel the pull of the finish line and the exhaustion from the long race. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't scared that all my hard work will not pay off. I am. I want this so bad, I don't think I've wanted something this bad in a very ,very long time. I've pretty much ate, breathed and slept this competition since before it even opened and I've dragged all of you along with me. You've all been so amazing I cannot thank you enough. 

I know you're all tired, I know you all feel like you've done your part, you posted a comment, you've liked my fanpage. But now as we push towards the end, we need to show that we've all still got the desire to win. Please help me get over this last hump. There are people in the competition who have not been involved for nearly as long as me. Their fanbase is still fresh and excited. Let's show them that even though I've been in this for what seems like a lifetime, me and all my friends, fans, supporters and family are just as excited and inspired for me to win as they were 5 months ago. 


so.... before you do anything else,

and leave a comment telling Blue Season why I need to win. Tell them why I stand out from the bunch, why I would make an amazing ambassador for BLUE SEASON BALI (click the name to see what they're all about), why I deserve this amazing opportunity. I need all of you to get me to the Island of the Gods.

My goal is to get at least 300 comments by the time the top ten finalists are all announced. Please help me not only meet my goals but far exceed it.
Also, please take a support picture for me. You can hand make the sign if you don't have the word version. People have been coming up with all sorts of wacky and creative things to take pictures with .Go for it, try to take the best, wackiest, silliest, most amazing support photo you can.
Just write:
 " ____________________ supports Joe Zeiler for Blue Season Bali's Best Dive Job in the World 2012."

Snap a pic and post it on FB or email it to me. Need my email address? Post it in a comment on this page and I'll send it to you.

Thanks again everyone. This has been the biggest battle of my life and all of you have been amazing people to bring along on the journey!


Look how sad I am on the surface!! Help me get under the waves!!!


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