Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Fingers crossed!

Hard to believe but tomorrow is the FINAL day of the competition. That's right my loyal fans and followers, soon your inboxes and facebook homepages will be free of Joe Zeiler for Best Dive Job posts. You are all breathing a sigh of relief I'm sure but you'll miss my constant harrassment...just you wait. As for me, I'm looking forward to finally hearing the announcement. Whether it's me or not I will finally be able to start to look towards next year. My life has been on hold for the past 5.5 months waiting to see the outcome of this long journey, I am excited at the fact that I'm finally going to know. If I win, I will be looking forward to the most amazing opportunity imaginable - diving, learning, living in Bali with one of the best dive companies around. It would be such an amazing opportunity, not just for diving but for so many other reasons. I'd be learning about so many other things as well. Being the face of a company, promoting, blogging getting people excited and interested about diving, Bali and Blue Season. I can't even begin to imagine what the 7 months would hold for me.
There is of course a 9/10 chance that I don't win! Which is a reality that I need to accept as well. I've always strived to be myself in this competition, I've never done things because others did them first (even if they were a really good idea!), I've tried to be original and down to earth and have not tried to artificially fit into a mould that I thought Blue Season was looking for. In the end they have to live with me for 7 months so they should know who I really am and I have to live with them! I would hate to have to keep up a facade for 7 months! Better to be myself and hope that's what they are looking for :) if I'm not, well there's no shame in that is there. I will follow my dream regardless of the outcome. In the end, I didn't sit down and say "hey I want to do something cool...oh hey look at this neat competition, I'll be a diver!"
I sat down and said "I'm going to be a pro diver....oh wait, check out this competition that's perfectly suited for me!"
So the answer to the eternal question "what came first the competition or the diver?" in my case, is "the diver" and after the competition is over the diver shall remain....hopefully diving in Bali with Blue Season.

You have all been amazingly patient and understanding over the past 5.5 months. Thank you so much for posting and reposting and liking and sitting back silently while I annoyed you with my constant messages, emails and blog posts. My friends are pretty cool (and tolerant!!).

So in celebration of your soon freedom from my constant harrasing, post a comment for me!!
Here's the address (again!)

It's time for the final push ladies and gentlemen!!

Gooooo ZEILER!

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