Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The lowdown

Well the day has finally arrived. Blue Season Bali's Best Dive Job in the World 2012 contest is officially closed. That means that as of midnight last night the folks at Blue Season no longer accepted applications. Starting tomorrow they will release one name on the list of the top 10 finalists a day leading up to the final announcement of the winner on March 15th. Although the contest is officially closed, all of the applicants are going to be continuing to capaign and promote ourselves in the hope of finally convincing Blue Season Bali that we are the one.

I am pretty convinced that it is still anyone's game at this point. There are so many cool and interesting people who have applied and all of us have our own little niche. One applicant has made dozens of super cool posters about diving and Blue Season Bali, another has managed to get all her friends to log swimming miles that equal the entire coast of Bali, another has a smile that seems to know no end and organized a very cool looking party to promote her and Blue Season in her hometown. Others are travellers, bloggers, divers of all levels of certifications, university students, people looking for their second career, people looking for the first career they always wanted but never had the opportunity to pursue. It clear from this contest that diving is something that appeals to people of all ages, backgrounds and cultures. It's something that pulls people together through a common language (hand signals!!) and a common interest. When we are all underwater we are all speaking the same language and we're all on the same level - visitors in a world that inspires, intrigues us.

But in the ends, we need to realize that this is a competition and it's a competition that I am desperate to win. Considering the diversity and the dedication of all the applicants, I thought I would give everyone the lowdown as to why JOE ZEILER is the one that should be handed the golden regulator and welcomed into the fold at Blue Season Bali.

1) I have been in the contest for the entire 5 months. I first heard about the competition when I saw a poster for it on the wall of Blue Season's Sanur dive centre when I was diving there last July. I returned to Bangkok with one goal and one goal only. Enter, campaign and WIN! I have been capaigning tirelessly the entire time, I have never given up, never taken a break, never stopped promoting Blue Season Bali and myself around the world. Even through difficult times (my evacuation from Bangkok due to floods) and distracting times (transglobal holidays, work stress, deadlines) my capaigning has never wavered and neither has the support of my many fans. If this doesn't show how dedicated and passionate I am about winning this thing, I don't know what does.

2) I have a pretty impressive fan base! At the time of writing my facebook fan page had a total of 604 fans. Not too shabby! That means that every time I post about my battle for Bali and Blue Season 604 people hear it and potentially share it with their friends. Even more exciting is that of the 604 fans I have, only 208 of them are my personal friends. That means that I have been able to pass the word out far beyond my own group of friends and have inspired people I've never met to support me and Blue Season. I've also managed to get over 1300 comments on my Blue Season application page - not too shabby either!

3) I'm a passionate writer. I started this blog not long after I joined the competition and have tried to use it as a platform to promote myself and my love for diving, but more importantly all the cool stuff about Blue Season and their partners. Not only do I love to write but people actually enjoy reading it! Just check out my hit map in the top right hand corner. At the time of writing I have over 720 hits from 35 different countries!!! How's that for some global PR?? I spend a lot of my time saying that I wish I had more time to write but work gets in the way. If I win that won't be a problem because writing will be part of my job!!! How cool is that!!!

4) Joe Zeiler's global appeal. As I said earlier, many of the applicants have a particular "niche" that their campaign has revolved around. Something that has made them stick out from the pack. For me, I decided to grab onto Blue Season Bali's desire to choose someone who could get the word out about their company and the amazing diving opportunities offered in Bali. And so, on December 5th "The World Supports Joe Zeiler" campaign was born. Since then I have received 261 photos from around the world showing support for my Battle for Bali. I have received photos from across Canada and America, Spain, Armenia, Estonia, Lithuania, Thailand, Slovenia, Germany, Singapore, Bhutan, Kazhakstan, Japan, Indonesia, Taiwan, China, Burma, the Phillipines, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Germany, Abu Dhabi and Qatar just to name a few. I've also received photos from tops of mountains, wedding chapels, science labs, jungle retreats, dive shops and spots, boats, beaches, living rooms, bars, backyards and motorscooters, with totem poles, murals, family pets, snow forts, sacred temples and busy streets. Dogs have supported me, hamsters have heralded my talents, cats and fish, girlguides, scientists, babies, toddlers, moms, dads and gramas...even a giant hotdog have supported me throughout my campaign. The photos are still coming in as we speak. New countries and new supporters are being added to the list daily. Months on, the excitement has not died down. Joe Zeiler's global domination continues...if I win, imagine how far I will be able to spread the word about the amazing things Blue Season Bali has to offer!
oh...and let's not forget my amazing Lithuanian musical tribute video!!
and the Vancouver street beat boxers!

5) Steven Spielberg has nothing on me! Yes, that's right, I am a cinematic genius; master of the silver screen who, armed with my digital video camera and nimble fingers sweeping through the tabs and icons of Windows MovieMaker, have created promotional videos that are beyond compare. Part of the job description for the Best Dive Job is to create a weekly video blog. Just look at my movie mastery!! How could Blue Season say no! Actress, director, producer, editor! I'm the whole package!!
Check out my videos here and be a part of the magic!

6) I love diving! I have only been diving for 2 years but in that time I have managed to log almost 150 dives. Every vacation I have I can't wait to strap on a tank and hit the deep blue. Even better, I LOVE diving in Bali. For the past two years I spent a full month of my summer vacation in Bali diving Nusa Penida, Amed, Tulumben, Menjangan and Pemuteran. I can't get enough! Every time I descend under the Balinese waves I see something different, I remain completely inspired by Bali's ocean critters and I can't wait for more. I'm incredibly passionate about diving in Bali which I think has become pretty clear through my blog and FB posts. If I win, I will be able to pass that excitement and passion on to my students and guests.

7) I DON'T:
smell, have strange habits, have an annoying laugh, dress like a wierdo, talk too much, think that I know everything, lie, cheat, steal, dance like an old person at a wedding, sleepwalk, pee in my wetsuit, yell at people, make fun of others, take candy from babies, kill spiders because they're creepy, come to work drunk, call in sick when I'm hungover, blame others for my mistakes, take life too seriously, mind the rainy season.

8) I DO:
like to have fun, love to travel, enjoy a few beers with friends, love to dive, know the names of lots of fishies, study hard, love to laugh, have a nice smile, look ok in a wetsuit, have a secret obsession with nudibranchs, admit  when I'm wrong, have a sweet tooth, floss my teeth daily, speak English, French and Japanese, feel fine living amongst spiders and cockroaches and other tropical creepy crawlers, love Bali, love Blue Season, think that Jonathan Cross and Tom West are cool guys, write well, know how to teach, promise to prove that I am the best choice for the Best Dive Job.

So, is there really any question as to who Blue Season Bali should pick for their top prize? I think not. I've got what it takes to make the best of this opportunity. So pick me! There really is no other choice!

Please, please, please continue to support me by liking my FB page:!/pages/Joe-Zeiler-for-Best-Job-in-the-World-2012/175807769165257

Leave a comment of support  on my Blue Season application page by scrolling all the way down to the bottom and posting a little note of support:

Take a support picture from where you live. If you dont' have a sign just make one!!! If you're my FB friend and want a copy of the sign you can send me a message and I'll send one along.

Thanks again everyone only 15 days of battling left!

Don't forget to check out BLUE SEASON BALI while you're at it!!

Cheers from the stress zone

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