Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Joe Zeiler...the almost winner!

Well the results have been announced. I didn't win.

 But I did get second place :)

I'm not sure of the emotions that I'm feeling right now. Incredible sadness, devastation, surprise, acceptance. Losing is never an easy pill to swallow but pills are meant to cure us right? I'm not sure what ailment coming in second will cure but I guess I'm going to find out.

Initially I'd like to thank everyone who helped me out and say I'm sorry that I didn't acheive what all of you were hoping I would. I feel guilty that I harrassed and bothered you all for so long, that I took so much of your time to film me and comment for me and take photos for me only to not deliver in the end (at least to the level that you were all hoping) I wish I could make a gift for every one of you in thanks (but there are too many of you!).

I'm not sure what Blue Season was looking for but I guess I wasn't it. As I said before, there's no shame in that right? I am who I am and I think Joe Zeiler is pretty fun and cool and inspiring. I guess I'm just meant to channel that energy in another way. Now the next battle begins...what to do? What to do? I'm not sure what the future holds for me now. I've quit my job to become a diver but now that the cost of it looms heavy I'm going to have to "re-assess" the plan. Where is my money tree?

In the end my faithful fans and followers, I may not be #1 in the eyes of Blue Season Bali but everyone who helped me win surely is. You helped promote their company endlessly around the world and I'm sure they are eternally greatful for your support of them. They are a great dive operation, and excellent place to dive and a great place to learn. Don't let my not winning stop you from heading over to Bali to visit and dive with them. You won't regret it, guaranteed!

I'm now going to put this little piece of cyberspace into short term retirement but I do have a second place prize to claim. I'm not sure when in Plan B that will happen but when it does, I'll be sure to post about my month long adventures in Bali, diving and learning about my fishy friends and how to protect them.

Thanks for the trip

The final countdown

Alright fans and followers (and most importantly Tom and Jonathan from Blue Season Bali),

By this time tomorrow I will know who the winner of the Best Dive Job in the World is. I'm nervous, excited and feeling a sense of relief that I will finally be able to know what my future is going to hold whether it's the Best Dive Job or not. There isn't really anything else that I can do to prove my case. I think it's all been done by now and all that's left to do is wait and see if I'm what BSB is looking for. So I thought I would use this opportunity to do a little round up of what I've done over the course of this competition. Just a little reminder...

I have managed to collect 613 fans and 331 support photos from over 20 different countries. Pictures have come in from people, cats, dogs, fish, camels, hamsters...even microbes!! I've been photoshopped, cropped, and manipulated by creative and silly people from all over the world and have managed to spread my humour and enthusiasm for diving, The Best Dive Job and Blue Season Bali from one end of the globe to the other.
I've posted blog posts on diving, Bali's marine life and Blue Season Bali and it's partners and I've had over 850 hits on my blog from 37 different countries.
I've created 5 pieces of sheer cinematic mastery (don't laugh! They are true genius!!) to promote myself and Blue Season Bali which have combined, gathered over 1400 views. I've also pulled in a few surprise vids from fans that have seen an additional 660 hits....that's over 2000 views for me and Blue Season!!
I've also gathered close to 2000 comments on my Blue Season Bali application and finalist pages. Thousands and thousands of people have joined the battle to bring Joe the Blue Season Bali. That's dedication :)

But I think in the end it doesn't matter how many people are behind me if I don't fit what BSB is looking for. Luckily for me, I think that I am what they are looking for. I'm laid back and approachable, I'm responsible and mature (in a good way, not a boring old person way!), I like to have a good time in everything I do (even when it's not something I'm too thrilled about doing), I'm inspiring, I'm a good teacher and a dedicated friend, colleague and employee, I'm ready for a challenge and crazy enough to give up everything to follow my dream. I'll never complain and never go back on my word. I'll promote your company in a way that makes people laugh, makes people curious and above all makes people excited and inspired to do exactly what I will be doing if I win - Dive with Blue Season Bali over and over again.

As I've said, I think Blue Season has everything they need to make up their mind. Here's hoping I fit what they are looking for. If not, well the last 5.5 months have been a trip; hilarious at times, frustrating at others, humbling and amazing at others. I've gotten a lot out of this experience regardless of the outcome and I wouldn't change a thing if I had to do it again.

Cheers Tom and Jonathan and thanks for the trip. It's been long and at times bumpy but it's been great the whole way through.
Here's hoping that as of tomorrow I'll be preparing to continue the journey!!


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Fingers crossed!

Hard to believe but tomorrow is the FINAL day of the competition. That's right my loyal fans and followers, soon your inboxes and facebook homepages will be free of Joe Zeiler for Best Dive Job posts. You are all breathing a sigh of relief I'm sure but you'll miss my constant harrassment...just you wait. As for me, I'm looking forward to finally hearing the announcement. Whether it's me or not I will finally be able to start to look towards next year. My life has been on hold for the past 5.5 months waiting to see the outcome of this long journey, I am excited at the fact that I'm finally going to know. If I win, I will be looking forward to the most amazing opportunity imaginable - diving, learning, living in Bali with one of the best dive companies around. It would be such an amazing opportunity, not just for diving but for so many other reasons. I'd be learning about so many other things as well. Being the face of a company, promoting, blogging getting people excited and interested about diving, Bali and Blue Season. I can't even begin to imagine what the 7 months would hold for me.
There is of course a 9/10 chance that I don't win! Which is a reality that I need to accept as well. I've always strived to be myself in this competition, I've never done things because others did them first (even if they were a really good idea!), I've tried to be original and down to earth and have not tried to artificially fit into a mould that I thought Blue Season was looking for. In the end they have to live with me for 7 months so they should know who I really am and I have to live with them! I would hate to have to keep up a facade for 7 months! Better to be myself and hope that's what they are looking for :) if I'm not, well there's no shame in that is there. I will follow my dream regardless of the outcome. In the end, I didn't sit down and say "hey I want to do something cool...oh hey look at this neat competition, I'll be a diver!"
I sat down and said "I'm going to be a pro diver....oh wait, check out this competition that's perfectly suited for me!"
So the answer to the eternal question "what came first the competition or the diver?" in my case, is "the diver" and after the competition is over the diver shall remain....hopefully diving in Bali with Blue Season.

You have all been amazingly patient and understanding over the past 5.5 months. Thank you so much for posting and reposting and liking and sitting back silently while I annoyed you with my constant messages, emails and blog posts. My friends are pretty cool (and tolerant!!).

So in celebration of your soon freedom from my constant harrasing, post a comment for me!!
Here's the address (again!)

It's time for the final push ladies and gentlemen!!

Gooooo ZEILER!

Best Dive Job, I love you so!

Check out my latest video in my battle for Bali!
It's silly. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Taking a moment

Today is an important day that cannot be overlooked or played down.
One year ago today the lives of so many of my friends and adopted family were thrown into chaos and irreconsiliable grief as the earthquake, Tsunami and meltdown and the Fukushima nuclear plant changed the course of Japanese history forever. I can remember sitting in a restaurant across from school watching the footage on first I couldn't even begin to absorb what was happening to a place that I called home for years. I, along with the rest of the world, simply sat in shock and disbelief. How could a single moment in time be so incredibly destructive?

One year on as I've been battling away at this competition I have had some of the most incredible support from my Japanese friends, their friends, and those who I met while living there. Amidst all the chaos of their lives, the constant stress and struggle they face each day, they have managed to find the time to help me. This is truly what the Japanese people are all about. They are the most resilient, positive and forward thinking people I have ever had the priviledge of meeting. Their ability to look beyond themselves, to share whatever they have is something everyone in the world could learn from. I still cry sometimes when I see those images on TV. If my heart aches one year on, I can't imagine how the Japanese people must feel. 

Today is an important day to stop and take a moment to reflect on the tens of thousands of people who lost their lives and the millions more who are now living in the shadow of such an overwhelming event. 

We as divers spend our days in awe of the beauty Mother Nature. We fight to preserve her and protect her. We enjoy her when she is calm and tranquil. But we need not forget that she can also be a powerful beast and that should be a constant reminder that we need to respect her all the more. 

To all my friends, family, colleagues and acquaintances in Japan. My heart goes out to you today. You have forever left an imprint on my life with your kind nature, your strong spirit and your resilience in the face of chaos. You truly are an amazing country full of some of the most amazing people I've ever met. 

I wish you great strength today as you take time to remember and pray. I am right there with you.  


Thursday, March 8, 2012

What's a Mola-Mola???

Greetings faithful fans and followers!!!

The reason why so many people come to Bali to dive is the prospect of seeing one of the most amazing fish in sea. The Mola Mola (or Oceanic sunfish, or "mambo") can be seen around the waters of Bali  mostly during the summer months and early autumn. People make the treck to Bali in hopes of being able to spend a dive getting up close and personal with this rare, almost prehistoric looking fish (and then going home and bragging to all their friends about it).

So why is the Mola Mola so cool? Well firstly it looks like no other fish in the sea. Imagine a big flat pancake (and by big I mean 2 meters from top to bottom), now imagine two long fins, one on the top and one on the bottom sticking out perfectly straight from the centre of the pancake. Now, give the pancake and eye and a mouth. Voila! Hello Mr. Mola Mola.

"But where's the tail Joe??? My God! Where's the tail!!!???"

Well curious onlooker, there isn't really one...well there is but for whatever reason, the Mola Mola was left out of the evolutionary "here you go have a tail" party. So now it just has a litttle stumpy that all the other fish make fun of.

"Ha! You call THAT a tail!!" Bah!!

Poor Mola-Mola....
In addition to being the lame kid at the party who shows up with no tail, the Mola Mola also has the unfortunate circumstance of suffering from one of the highest rates of parasitic infections in the sea. Ya, ya I know you're, what a catch! No tail, parasites, big, round and flat. This guy is definitely the one at the party who hangs out at the refreshment table, dateless and awkward. 
Unfortunate for the fish yes, but not unfortunate for us voyeuristic divers. You see, the Mola Mola has come up with an incredible work around for his rather unsightly skin issues. As we all know, Bali is famous for its cheap and luxurious spas and skin treatments. Well, the Mola Mola has apparently decided to take part in the action as well.  During Mola Mola season, these fish follow the thermaclines to the shallower waters around Nusa Penida in Bali for a little bit of pampering thanks to the hundreds of banner fish that live in the local reefs.
Once they hit a shallow enough level (often around 20m in Crystal Bay) they stop still in the water and float motionlessly. This allows schools of bannerfish to surround them and get about the business of picking off all their parasites. Not exactly my idea of a tasty meal but the bannerfish seem to enjoy it and the Mola Mola gets a good cleaning. The bonus side effect? If you're lucky enough to stumble by one of these spa treatments in action, you are pretty sure to be able to spend a good chunk of time just floating beside one of these gentle giants. They are truly amazing.

It's no coincidence that the Blue Season Bali logo includes a Mola Mola

It was the Mola Mola that first brought me to Blue Season Bali. I did tons of research on the internet and all signs pointed towards Blue Season  as being the best. Their Mola Mola and Manta Madness dive safaris promised to offer the best chance of seeing not only Mola Mola but also giant manta rays at "Manta Point"
Well I was sold!
And I wasn't disappointed either. Over my three day dive safari I spent 2 days with the mola mola. Up close and personal with the tailess, parasite infested wonderfish!! It was amazing. Yes, I know that it is in Mother Nature's hands what we run across in the sea but Blue Season Bali's dive guides know their stuff and seem to have an uncanny ability to spot what their clients are looking for. I have since been back to Blue Season twice, once in October and once in February. In October I was once again lucky enough to have an amazing Mola Mola encounter. We spent at least 10 minutes hovering within 1-2 meters of a giant Mola Mola in crytal clear visibility. I was truly amazing.

This is just one of the many reasons why I want to win The Best Dive Job so badly. It was after my Mola Mola dive safari that I spoted the poster for The Best Dive Job on the wall of the dive centre. It was calling to me like a lighthouse in the fog of my rather uninspiring life. I had to seize the chance. The thought of being able to spend my working day with these amazing fish is more than I can imagine! The thought of being able to take divers, new and old, out to see them for the first time is even better.

A Mola Mola enjoying one of Bali's famous skin care spa treatments....

Help me win Blue Season Bali's Best Dive Job in the World so that I can live out my dream. I've never wanted anything so badly in my life.

Please take a minute to like my facebook page
and comment on my application page on the Best Dive Job Blog by clicking HERE scrolling down to the bottom of the page and telling Blue Season why I deserve to win.
Please share my battle with all your friends and colleagues. There are only 7 days left in the competition and I am still in it to win it!! Please help me stay at the top!!

Also take minute to check out Blue Season Bali's Website. They aren't just in the business of Mola Mola. They have tons of different dive safaris and dive excursions around Bali as well as internships for those of you who are looking to go pro (like me!!!) Check out the website, find a safari you like, vote for me and then come after I win. I will be your guide!!! :)

Only 7 days until the winner is announced!!!
Joe Zeiler is the best choice for the final prize!! Let's make sure Blue Season Bali knows it!!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Joe Zeiler - The final countdown to the Best Dive Job in the WORLD!

Being a finaslist in Blue Season Bali's Best Dive Job in the World  takes tireless dedication and training.
Here's a taste ofmy daily training regime as we lead up to the announcement of the winner on March 15th, 2012!

I still need you to keep up the support to push me to the finale. You can help by doing a couple of things

1) like my facebook fan page
2) comment on my application page (you can do this every day
3) spread the word. Get all your friends to do the same!!
4) Take a support picture! Just write " ___________ (you fill in where you are) supports Joe Zeiler for Blue Season Bali's Best Dive Job 2012"

Thanks everyone!! We're almost there, only 7 days left!!!!