Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Hello fans and followers!!

First off, Happy Valentines Day!!!

Well today has been an action packed day indeed!
Firstly it was Valentine's days and I spent it in the hallowed halls of a high school where we had to continually mop up the hormones and melodrama as roses, chocolates, teddy bears and cliches were delivered by cupids and cupidettes alike. Concentration in the halls of The Regent's School was at an all time low and hormone/chocolate induced squealing was at an all time high. There truly is no better place to spend your Valentine's day than in the halls of a high school. It's truly ridiculous.

Secondly, a crazed Iranian decided to start tossing bombs around in Bangkok. By the time it was all over 3 innocents were injured and the bomber managed to blow his own legs off when a bomb he tossed at the police hit a tree and bounced back towards him. In the land of Karma some things aren't terribly surprising.

But...but...but!!! Most importantly, today is the day I made the shortlist for Blue Season Bali's BEST DIVE JOB IN THE WORLD 2012!!!! Yipeee! That's right ladies and gentlemen I'm on to round 2!! So that means that you have at least another 2 weeks of me harrasing you! JOY!!!

The people at Blue Season Bali have been a bit cryptic about the whole thing so I'm not sure how many of us are actually on this shortlist but I guess they want to keep it a bit under wraps until the competition officially closes on the 28th of February and the finalists are officially announced.

SOOOO!!! Here's the deal. All the amazing members of Team "Joe Zeiler for Best Dive Job" need to kick things up a notch. We need to keep the campaign going, keep the comments flowing, keep the support pictures from around the globe streaming in. It's time to get creative, time to get wacky and time to get serious about getting me into the winner's circle.

So your homework for the next few days is to think about how you can convince Blue Season Bali that I'm the one! Make a video clip? Take a crazy photo? Write a silly/inspiring/unbelievable support comment? Think about how you can help me to get my name and Blue Season Bali around the world. Let's get my campaing rolling even more globally than it already is.

Please continue to post comments on my application page and get your friends to like my fanpage on Facebook. Also remember to keep those support pics coming in from cool and amazing places around the world!!

I can't do it without all your help! Let's do it Team Zeiler!!! Let's get me to BALI!!!!

Cheers from Round 2!!

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