Sunday, January 1, 2012


Well, 2012 is finally upon us and with the beginning of a new year comes endless possibilities. I just read Kenzo Kiren's dive blog (the winner of last years Best Dive Job competition) and he talked about how much his life has changed in the last 12 months since winning the competition. From the kitchen of Earl's restaurant in Vancouver to the beaches of Bali, Kenzo is living the dream...actually he's living MY dream!! Like Kenzo I've spent some time reflecting recently on the past 12 months.

A lot has happened, a lot has changed. I welcomed my new little niece Abigail into the world, I've been to Bali, Hong Kong, Canada, Malaysia, Bali again. I've dived, I've studied, I've boxed. I've been promoted, I've given my notice that I'm not coming back to work next school year. I've survived floods, a Thai election that saw the sister of Thaksin take the helm, school closures and shake ups.  I've met amazing new people and had amazing new experiences. Life is good. It's hard to imagine that it could possibly get much better but as Kenzo has proven, the dream is within anyone's grasp. I've been fighting with full force for this thing and I'm not giving up until the winner is announced on March 15th. Anyone who knows me knows that I put 110% into everything I do. Winning crazy dive competitions is no exception :)

But in all seriousness, the support that I have received over the last 3 months has been truly amazing. I am often completely speechless when I take a second to consider how many people have been supporting me from all over the world. So many amazing friends have been there plugging along right beside me. Some I haven't spoken to in years have popped out of the woodwork to help me out. Others are people I've never met before which amazes me even more. My Facebook fan page has 362 fans and only about half of them are my actual friends. The rest are people who, for one reason or another, have felt that I deserve the support. Those are the people who amaze me the most. The growing support for this blog is also amazing. There are hits from countries all over the world. From places where I'm sure I don't know anybody. The ongoing battle in this competition has taught me many things, the incredible reach of social media is pretty high up there. Unbelievable.  

Anyway, I'd like to take this moment to once again thank everyone who has taken time out of their busy days to pop a comment on my application page on the blog, to snap a support photo, to like my fanpage and to check out this little bloggy peice of the cyberworld. Every single thing that any of you have done has not gone unappreciated. I feel truly blessed to have such an amazing group of people behind me.

cliche moment coming up...just a warning

Even if I don't win, I'm coming out a winner because I have been reminded of how amazing all of you are.

Thank you so much again! I can't thank you all enough. Please stay tuned and keep the support coming. There are still 2 months left in the competition (it closes on Feb.28th) and anything can happen up until then. I'm fighting to the bitter end, hope you're all along for the ride :)

Happy 2012, let's rock this year like it's 1999.

Here's to the adventures ahead

Here's the important places if you need reminding

  • Facebook fan page HERE - give it a like! All the cool kids are doing it!
  • Application page HERE - scrolll WAAAAY down to the bottom and leave a comment telling Blue Season Bali why I deserve to win
I'm also starting a global support photo campaign with pics streaming in from around the world ( you can check out the ones so far on my fan page and on the Best Dive Job blog). If you want a copy of the sign pop a comment on my FB fan page and I'll email it to you...or make your own!

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