Saturday, November 26, 2011

Dick of the day....Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

Prime Minister Harper indicating by a show of fingers how many sharks will be left in the sea by the time his government decides to ban the importing of shark fins

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is a dick on many levels. His political views make him a dick, his policies make him a dick, even his hair cut makes him look like a dick...quite literally. But today, he made sure to further enshrine himself in the "Temple of Dicks" by declaring that Canada will not ban shark fins.
My analysis of this declaration: Prime Minister Harper  - YOU ARE A DICK!

Let's listen in on his comments regarding a recent national petition campaign by the NDP fisheries critic and Shark Truth Vancouver calling on the federal government to ban the importing of shark fins:

Canada does not favour a ban of shark fins. We do, however, and we’ve been very clear that Canada supports only the humane harvesting of sharks.”
                                                                             - Stephen Harper,
                                              dickhead extraordinaire and destroyer of mother nature

Seriously, how the hell can you fin a shark humanely? It's not like they anesthetize them or someting? It's not like the fins will grow back and the shark will swim off happily. It's not even like they keep the meat? I guess Stephen Harper plans on going on the finning boats to check that they meet his high standards or "humane" finning...whatever the hell that means. And what the hell is he doing saying "Canada" does not favour a ban? I bet if Stephen Harper put out a national vote asking "is it important to you that Canada continues to import shark fins" the resounding answer would probably be "no" because most people don't eat it in Canada and I would hope that many more can spot barbarism for the sake of a few dollars when it's staring them in the face.

Well Mr. Harper, congratulations!! You've rightrously upheld your position as an insensitive dickhead who is out of touch with reality yet again and this time you've also made sure to ensure tens of thousands of innocent sharks are slaughtered for a bowl of freaking soup! When I left Canda what seems like a million years ago....well it was more like 10...but anyway...when I left, I swore I'd never move back home as long as there was a dickhead in the Prime Minister's chair. Sorry friends and family back home...I think you might as well just give up on me ever returning for more than a quick xmas hello.

If you'd like the read the full article in the Vancouver Sun you can do so by clicking HERE

Cheers from the fishbowl

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